Hi! I'm a software engineer focused on front-end development.
I love educating and mentoring; that's why I care a lot about how concepts are communicated.
Never-ish · The study case You Might Not Need an Effect was released, at the very least, a couple of years ago now. It has really helped! Dan did an...
Because wording matters · Do you know useEffect? useEffect(() => { console.log(value) }, [value]) This effect runs after the first render and...
A nuance on top of how React's hooks flow is usually taught · Down the rabbit hole Give me a component A and I'll: On first render Run A's state lazy...
This The this keyword is a dynamic binding that belongs to the environment record of a function’s execution context and whose main goal is dynamically...
This is just a quick note to link somewhere else, so don't mind me! Its purpose isn't precision nor completion. Functions are objects. They have an...
Glossary A binding is a variable name (this I borrow from the previous glossary). Can be classified into one of two categories: A lexical binding,...